An orthodontist is a doctor of dentistry who helps people with overbites or improper bites in general. Fixing these problems can help somebody chew properly, or to smile better. Orthodontists work out of dental clinics where they align the jaw and the teeth. Sometimes, some people have unique teeth issues that an orthodontist would help them with since orthodontists can make people less anxious about their teeth. Orthodontists have a doctorate degree in dentistry. General dentists refer people to an orthodontist because teeth will not grow in properly, but instead grow in crooked, which causes an orthodontist’s patient pain.
Some people may simply want a straighter set of teeth from an orthodontist nunawading. Orthodontists know how to fix malocclusion, which is a misalignment between two set of dental arches when the jaw closes. Many an average joe has malocclusion, and this situation does not always require treatment. The face may have problems with alignment of the upper and lower jaws. This situation makes orthodontic treatment necessary. Orthodontists assign gear like headgear or retainers to assist a patient with aligning their jaw properly. Patients use orthodontists to appear with a straighter set of teeth than otherwise exists.
The general dentist can see the malocclusion first and then refers the patient to an orthodontist who can fix it. Overbites are treated with braces because braces can realign teeth during a time of significant growth such as the teen years. Braces are pretty much something that teenagers use while their body is growing in unnatural or perhaps natural ways depending on their developmental phase. When the desired results have been conditioned, the braces come off, much to the relief of the patient. The duties of an orthodontist are to keep up with changes in the patient’s overbite. Some tools can also be a plastic Invisalign retainer.
An orthodontist has to graduate with a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree or a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DDM), degree. Orthodontists receive an education in both theory or clinical training as their courses may include subjects such as histology, (the study of microscopic structure of tissues from animals and plants), physiology, dental anatomy, pharmacology, and oral radiology, where you will be exposed to different dental specialties such as periodontics, oral surgery, orthodontics, and pediatric dentistry. Specialized orthodontics training requires a 2-3 year study period in addition to the dentist earning a DDS.
Orthodontists deal with jaw pain, speech impediments, sleep apnea, gum disease, and difficulty chewing. Middle-aged people need dental work often enough to the point where this is a growing field in the United States at large. The average orthodontist has to work 30-40 hours a week with proper training behind this average. Dentists are different from orthodontists in that they fix hygiene, tooth and gum problems along with dental decay including various structural problems. Orthodontists are a necessary part of dental care and an orthodontist will make a salary of $200,000-$400,000 on average. Orthodontics is a very lucrative and rewarding career.
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