How to Know What Type of Headache You Have

Headaches are a common problem that can be caused by many things, including stress, anxiety, allergies, and depression. While many people think of headaches as a problem only for people with migraines, that is not always the case. In this article, we will discuss the different types of headaches and how to treat them.

What Are the Different Types Of Headaches?

There are four types of headaches: migraines, tension headaches, sinus headaches, and whiplash headaches. Each type of headache is caused by a different problem. Here are the different types of headaches and their causes:

Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches are caused by an overactive nerve in the brain that sends pain signals to the head. These headaches usually occur during periods of stress or when a person is tired. Some things that can trigger a migraine include changes in weather, bright lights, strong smells, and foods that are rich in sugar or caffeine. Most people who have migraines will experience one or more of the following symptoms: intense pain on one side of the head, severe sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and vomiting, extreme fatigue, and changes in mood or behavior. If you think you may have a migraine, don’t wait to see a doctor; get treatment right away.

Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are caused by tension in the neck or shoulders muscles. They typically peak during morning or early afternoon hours and can be very frustrating because they often come on suddenly without warning. Some things that can cause tension headaches include poor posture, stress at work or school, anxiety about personal relationships, and using computer screens for extended periods of time without taking breaks. Symptoms of a tension headache include tightness in the neck or around the eyes, aching temples or jawbone, discomfort when chewing on one’s lip or tongue (munching), difficulty sleeping due to an increased amount of noise in your sleep environment (i.e., people talking), and excessive yawning. If you suspect you have a tension headache, take some time to relax before trying to figure out what is causing it; this might involve using relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) or deep breathing exercises.

Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches are caused by problems with pressure inside your skull (sinuses). The pressure from these problems can cause pain on one side of your head near your eye socket (anterior face) or around your eyes (posterior face). Other symptoms may include discharge from your nose and/or ears, facial pain, severe sensitivity to bright lights, decreased sense of smell, fatigue, trouble concentrating, and ringing in your ears. If you experience any one or several of these symptoms regularly for more than two weeks – especially if they occur after exposure to noise, heat, cold, radiation, etc.– it’s worth consulting with your physician about whether you may be having a sinus headache.

Whiplash-Related Headaches

Whiplash-related headache is also known as barber’s neck headache because it is most commonly seen among men who get their hair cut regularly. This headache occurs because of sudden movement termed “whiplash syndrome” which damages blood vessels near the brainstem. This damage triggers an inflammatory response which can result in many types of Headaches including those related to physical activity such as working out.

How To Treat Each Type Of Headache?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating headaches, but some common treatments include over the counter medications, lifestyle changes, and diagnostic tests.

If you are experiencing a headache, it is important to consult with a migraine and headache doctor. Different types of headaches can be caused by different factors, and it is important to get diagnosed and treated appropriately. Some common treatments include over the counter medications, lifestyle changes, and diagnostic tests.

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