If you have ever been stressed out and gotten a massage, you know about the healing power of touch. If you get massages regularly, it can be a wonderful way for you to start really feeling good about yourself. Here are some massage tips to open this world a little bit more to you.
When giving a massage, do not forget to focus some attention on the neck and shoulders. While much attention is paid to the back during a massage, the neck and shoulders can hold tension and stress too. Spending some time massaging them offers a lot of relief and can improve the massage experience.
Hydrate yourself well for forty-eight hours before your massage. Many people know that heavy water intake after a massage is good for flushing the body of toxins and helping with sore muscles. Drinking plenty of water before the massage will greatly increase the impact of the massage and its purging abilities.
Petrissage is the best way to relieve stress and make pain disappear. This method requires you to use your fingertips and your thumb. Grab hold of a muscle and squeeze it for a few seconds before moving on to a different area. Go over the same areas several times until the pain disappears.
When your feet hurt, you hurt all over. Relieve the pain with a good foot massage you can do on your own or someone can do it for you. Stroke your foot with your thumb from the base of your heel to your toes. This motion should go back and forth across your foot at the same time.
Try to limit all background noise when you are giving your massage, as the environment should be as quiet and calm as possible at all times. You will want the person you are massaging to relax their muscles so that your massage technique will work, as a quiet atmosphere helps to facilitate this.
You can make massages even better by using some massaging oils. There are plenty of different essential oils to choose from. Choose an oil with an enjoyable smell and you will find that massages are even more relaxing thanks to the smell of the essential oils and the properties of the oil you chose.
If you have a difficult time riding in the car for a long period of time, consider purchasing a massaging cushion for your back. These cushions often plug right into your lighter, and they can provide a comfortable massage in various intensities while you drive. This can make the ride more enjoyable for anyone.
Try to save conversation for after the massage. You may love chatting with your massage therapist, but talking during the massage prevents you from ever relaxing fully. In fact, it may actually cause some muscles to tense up, making your therapist’s job even more difficult. Do speak up about your needs, however — if the room’s too cold, the music is too loud, or any other factor that prevents you from sinking deep into relaxation.
Now that you have had a chance to learn more about massage, you can use this wonderful technique to your advantage. Whether you give massages or receive them, massage can be a great therapy for all of us. You just have to remember what you have learned here, and pass it on to others. For more information on click here: http://www.healthandfoodideas.com
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